Familial Hodgkin Lymphoma
It has been known for many years that Hodgkin lymphoma occurs more often in biologically related family members of affected patients than in the rest of the population. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been clearly determined. However, biomedical research has been developing rapidly in recent years and new methods for genetic research have become available. Using these methods, which are based on blood tests, we are now investigating the genetic causes of familial Hodgkin lymphoma. We hope to be able to gain a better understanding of the disease and to develop targeted therapeutic approaches in future, so maybe one day chemotherapy or radiotherapy will not be necessary anymore.
Should there have been several cases of Hodgkin lymphoma among directly, biologically related people in your family (or in the family of one of your patients, if you are a doctor) we would very much appreciate if you completed this short questionnaire. Please send us the completed form by e-mail (ghsg@uk-koeln.de) or mail (GHSG Studienzentrale, Gleueler Str. 269-273, 50935 Köln, Germany). If the information you provide us with matches the criteria for our research project, we will contact you and inform you in more detail about it. Participation in this project is absolutely voluntary, and you will receive a detailed briefing beforehand. You can withdraw your consent to participate at any time. The briefing will also include comprehensive information on the project procedure and data protection measures. The Ethics Committee of the University of Cologne has already agreed to the implementation of this planned trial. Hodgkin lymphoma patients and biologically related family members (parents or siblings) who participate in this trial will have two small vials of blood drawn for the tests. The evaluation of the questionnaires and the genetic investigations will be carried out in Cologne without reference to any personal data (anonymized) and will be kept confidential.
The results of these investigations will hopefully provide us with a better understanding of the causes of the disease to improve treatment of future patients. If you would like to be informed on the results of this research project, please indicate this in the questionnaire.
Should you have any questions on this project, please contact PD Dr. Boris Böll by e-mail boris.boell@uk-koeln.de or phone our consultation service team at +49 221-478 88179 or -88180.