Organization and Cooperation
The comprehensive network of the GHSG and its interdisciplinary orientation within the University Hospital in Cologne and at national and international level guarantee quality-assured, first-rate diagnostics, consultation services and treatment.
The affiliated trial steering committee of the GHSG is entrusted with fundamental decisions concerning the GHSG’s trials. It meets at regular intervals and is involved in all conceptual decisions of the GHSG. Apart from that, for each new randomized trial an external data safety monitoring committee has been established, consisting of four to six specialists who supervise the conception and execution of trials.
The German Hodgkin Study Group cooperates closely with the Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für klinische Pharmakologie und Therapie (ARGE, Austrian Study Group for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy) and the Schweizerischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Krebsforschung(SAKK, Swiss Study Group for Clinical Cancer Research). These study groups are recruiting patients from Austria and Switzerland for the GHSG trials and their representatives are members of the GHSG’s trial steering committee. Further, GHSG maintains close contacts and cooperations with the British National Lymphoma Investigation (BNLI), the Italian Lymphoma Intergroup (ILI), the Nordic Lymphoma Group (NLG) and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). The GHSG discusses its projected trials and study strategies at regular intervals with the EORTC, and they also conduct certain trials together. The results of the HDR2 trial for relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma patients, for example, were published jointly in 2010.
The GHSG is a member of the Kompetenznetz Maligne Lymphome (KML, Competence Network for Malignant Lymphomas), which unites the leading German research groups and health care institutions in the area of malignant lymphomas. Their joint aim is to ensure optimal treatment, care and information for all lymphoma patients.